Darkside Truths Revealed.

todays news in phrophetic form
  1. I don't know spanish
  2. Paparazzi
  3. Feb 14
  4. Buffalo and Dad's
  5. Blogspot
  6. Fun time blogging themes are new which one which o...
  7. Latin is a dead language As dead as it can be Fir...
  8. Cum tua non edas, carpis mea carmina, Laeli. Carpe...
  9. Lesplat Latersplat
  10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipisci...
  11. 2.15.2004

    Youthful canine drive-in star,
    loved the time riding in car.
    Order boy loved him too.
    In the window, a treat, he threw.
    so endz the reading
    this iz not a pleading
    but if U are needing
    best not be breeding.

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